ForthAct: Crafting Your Next Chapter

Group Coaching Circle
Our signature 8-week program, led by experienced coaches, is designed for individuals with over 20 years of experience who are navigating life and career transitions. Whether you're pursuing new challenges, entrepreneurial endeavors, or a change of pace, our tailored approach provides structure and flexibility to support you on your journey.

Registration will open in mid-April. Curious if this is for you? Schedule a free discovery call:

ForthAct Circle Themes: Explore, Frame, Sustain

Are you a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience, contemplating your next career move? Do you find yourself yearning for a change that resonates with your passions and aspirations, beyond the confines of your current nine-to-five routine? Are you eager to discover a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment in your work?

Welcome to our 8-week program tailored specifically for individuals like you, who are at a pivotal moment in their professional journey. Whether you're seeking a new challenge, exploring entrepreneurial ventures, or simply craving a change of pace, our program offers a structured yet flexible approach to guide you through this transitional phase.

Led by professional coaches, our program combines personalized one-on-one coaching with the power of group dynamics to provide a transformative experience. Through insightful discussions, mutual support, and collective wisdom, you'll not only gain clarity on your next steps but also develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your aspirations.

With our guidance, you'll frame your next opportunity with precision, uncover exciting possibilities for your next act, and acquire the tools to sustain your momentum long after the program concludes.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back any longer. Seize this opportunity to redefine your career trajectory and embark on a fulfilling new chapter. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and collective growth, and take the first step toward a more purpose-driven and fulfilling career."

Program Format: 

  • Weekly facilitated coaching circle session online - 90mins

  • 2 one-on-one coaching sessions - 45mins 

  • Access to Tools, Assessments

  • Weekly Pre-work/homework

  • Peer Accountibility

In this circle you’ll…

  • Explore What Matters Most: Explore and define your values, purpose, and passions, aligning them with your professional aspirations.

  • Craft a Strategy: Craft a targeted strategy and action plan for your future.

  • Build a Supportive Network: Connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and build valuable professional networks.

  • Gain Confidence and Clarity: Overcome challenges, build confidence, and gain clarity on your ideal second career path.

  • Hone Practical Tools for Success: Acquire practical tools,gain targeted training to enhance your skills and competencies for your chosen field

  • In our first session we’ll get to know one another with casual introductions, an overview of the program, rules of engagement and we’ll start to define individual goals.

    Topics Include:

    Identifying your strengths, skills, and interests to gain clarity, understand what motivates you, uncover the driving forces behind your success, harness your strengths, personal values assessment.

  • In our second session we’ll discuss how your thoughts create your reality and we’ll build awareness around what motivates you and what holds you back.

    Topics Include:

    Limiting beliefs and stories, managing your saboteurs, owning your story, and building confidence.

  • In week three you’ll start drafting and crafting your story. We’ll talk about who your audience is, what you want them to know about you, the story tone and other storytelling techniques.

    Topics Include:

    Building your story, knowing your audience, developing your tone, presenting your story.

  • Now that you’ve explored your goals, what drives you forward, what holds you back, and have started to draft your story, you’ll start your blueprint for the future. You’ll plot roadmap points, identify gaps, and create a plan.

    Topics Include:

    Learn how to develop a clear and measurable strategy for the next career chapter. Define you future state and start developing a strategy to get there. Inventory what you have and what you need to get there.

  • In Week 5 we’ll focus on your personal brand. What do you want to be known for in this next chapter? What parts oT your story represent you and your work in the broader community you’d like to operate in?

    Topics Include:

    Developing a personal brand narrative. Crafting a compelling resume tailored for a career transition and developing a personal brand narrative that resonates with their desired professional identity.

  • You’ve been working individually and as a group to create your story, blueprint, and brand and this week you’ll present to the group to get practice and feedback in the safe space of the group we’ve built together over the last 5 weeks.

    Topics Include:

    Crafting your narrative and presenting to an audience (our group). Giving and getting feedback, integrating feedback, presentation practice.

  • This week we’ll revisit what can hold you back from moving forward with your blueprint and discuss tools and strategies for building sustainable growth and navigating setbacks along the way.

    Topics Include:

    Identifying Potential Challenges, Strategies for Building Resilience, Building a Support System, Celebrating progress.

  • We’ll wrap up our 8 weeks together with a celebration of progress and we’ll create ways to keep the group connection and individual growth moving forward.

    Topics Include:

    Measuring and acknowledging your growth, defining clear accountabilities for future actions. Fostering a sense of responsibility and commitment to continued success on your blueprint, the role of group members as accountability partners.

Registration will open in mid-April.

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